TAGAYTAY travel guide with sample itinerary & budget
TAGAYTAY travel guide with sample itinerary & budget

TAGAYTAY travel guide with sample itinerary & budget

long before Manila-dwellers began a long-distance affair with the highlands of Baguio, Sagada and Kalinga, they have been in a long-standing romance with Tagaytay. It’s not a high-maintenance relationship. The physical connection is there. It is geographically close, easily accessible, and it doesn’t demand too much time or money. It’s the kind that will last over more decades.

Tagaytay is no stranger to me. I live in a Batangas town not too far away from Tagaytay. For the longest time, every time I would come back home, the van that I was riding would drive through the city. and since I started earning on my own, it would be my go-to place for clarity or peace of mind. and I’m not alone in this.

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

WHERE TO stay IN TAGAYTAYBest area to stay in Tagaytay
Top budget hotels and BnBs in Tagaytay
Top Apartments and Condo for rent in Tagaytay
Search for more Tagaytay Hotels!

HOW TO get TO TAGAYTAYManila to Tagaytay by Bus
Manila to Tagaytay by Van

HOW TO get around TAGAYTAY
THINGS TO do in TAGAYTAY & nearby TOWNSTaal Volcano
SkyRanch Tagaytay
Tagaytay Picnic Grove
People’s Park in the Sky
Puzzle Mansion
Fantasia maailma
Tagaytay Food Trip

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Located just around 60km from Manila, Tagaytay City has always been the go-to destination for those wishing to escape the searing heat of the capital, especially in the summer season. They come here for two reasons: a cooler climate and a breathtaking view of Taal Lake and Volcano.

Most people think that Taal Volcano is the small cratered hill on one end of the island in the middle of the lake typically depicted in postcards and photographs. The truth is, that is Binintiang Malaki, just one of the volcano’s many cones and craters. Taal Lake itself was actually the caldera of an enormous ancient volcano formed after cataclysmic eruptions in the prehistoric times. The only active part now is that island in the middle of the lake called Volcano Island.

Like a giant balcony with a wonderful view, Tagaytay is perched on the northern ridges of Taal Lake, attracting thousands of vacationers and supporting its enormous tourism industry. Its highways and inner alleys are lined with a wide array of accommodations, from luxury villas to budget hotels, and restaurants, ranging from fine dining to its homegrown fast food places.

Tagaytay is also a terrific base for travelers who wish to explore neighboring municipalities like Alfonso and Amadeo, and even parts of Batangas like the volcano itself, Nasugbu, and Lemery.

Tagaytay takes a rectangular shape on the map, so it’s easy to navigate. At the very center of it is the Tagaytay Rotonda, from which stems out four main roads:

Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, which connects Tagaytay to Imus, Dasmarinas, and Manila.

Tagaytay-Calamba Road, which links the city to the towns of Laguna. If you’re coming from South Luzon express way (SLEX), you’ll eventually hit this road going to Tagaytay.

Tagaytay-Nasugbu Highway, which can take you to Alfonso (Cavite) and Nasugbu and Lemery (Batangas).

Tagaytay-Talisay Road, which cuts across a forested slope to Talisay (Batangas), where Taal Volcano is located.

Being familiar with these roads will make your travel planning a lot easier, especially when picking a hotel and places to visit.

Here are more useful bits about Tagaytay.

Language: Tagalog is used by most. but English is widely understood and spoken.

Currency: Philippine peso (PHP, ₱). PHP100 is around USD 1.90, EUR 1.69, SGD 2.57 (as of April 2019).

Modes of payment: credit cards are accepted by many establishments but cash is still king (and queen) in Tagaytay.

Electricity Info: 220V, 60Hz. plug and socket type A.


In places like El Nido or Batanes, I usually don’t mind staying in a guest house with no view and no frills because I would be spending much of my time outside anyway. but Tagaytay is one of those destinations where accommodations can make or break a trip. It’s all about the ambience and the experience. Whether you’re visiting Tagaytay to unwind, attend a conference, or have a romantic weekend, it is important to consider the location.

Best area to stay in Tagaytay

Tagaytay has become a major tourist magnet that it has become almost synonymous with this corner of Cavite. Property-owners typically market and label their hotels, lodges or guesthouses “Tagaytay” even when they are technically located in surrounding municipalities like Alfonso, Silang, and Mendez. try to keep that in mind when searching for a place to stay.

For tourists, there are three main areas that are terrific bases when exploring Tagaytay and nearby towns:

Tagaytay Rotonda Area. typically casually referred to as simply Olivarez. It is the center of the city. As explained above, the major roads running across the city Aloita tai päättyy tähän. Sitä ympäröivät lukemattomat majoitus- ja ruokailumahdollisuudet. Se on myös tärkein kuljetuskeskus.

Pitkin Tagaytay-Nasugbu-moottoritietä. Tämä on hiukan kauempana kuin Rotondan alue, mutta tällä on paras näkymä järvelle ja tulivuorelle, mikäli varaat hotellin järven rannalle. Täällä Skyranch ja Ayala Malls Serin sijaitsevat.

Tagaytay-Calamba-tien varrella. Tämä alue on lähinnä turistipaikkoja, kuten Tagaytay Picnic Grove ja People’s Park taivaalla. Paljon myös ravintola- ja hotellivaihtoehtoja, joista jotkut tarjoavat myös hyvät näkymät järvelle.

Henkilökohtaisesti haluan pysyä Tagaytay-Nasugbu-tien varrella, koska se on paljon hiljaisempi ja sillä on paras näkymä järvelle. Jos et luota sanani, tässä ovat Tagaytayn tärkeimmät budjettihotellit Agoda -käyttäjien pisteyttävän.

Top budjettihotellit ja BNB: t Tagaytayssa

Tagaytayn parhaat hotellit ovat kalliita, mutta on joitain poikkeuksia. Sänky- ja breakfast-paikat tarjoavat myös loistavan vaihtoehdon. Tässä on luettelo, joka on koottu Agoda -arvosteluilla.

Eco -hotellin kontit

Eco -hotellin kontit. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

F8 Bed and Breakfast. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Carmelence Lodge. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Joaquinin sänky ja aamiainen. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Zen Rooms Hotel Georgina Tagaytay. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Top -huoneistot ja huoneisto vuokrattavana Tagaytayssa

Jos budjetti on ongelma, oje hotelli ja harkitse oleskelua BNB: ssä, majatalossa tai vuokrattavassa huoneistossa, jotka ovat huomattavasti halvempia. Tagaytay-Nasugbu Highwaylla ja Tagaytay Prime Residences lähellä sijaitsevia Wind Residences (SMDC) on ollut paljon vuokrattavia asuntoyksiköitä Rotondan lähellä. Tässä ovat AGODA: n parhaat asunnot/huoneistoyksiköt.

Oasis Tagaytayssa

Oasis Tagaytayssa. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Sky on Prime Residences -tagaytay. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

CatherinePlace Tagaytay – Wind Residences Tower 3. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

MissionArte -tuulen asunnot. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Marian sänky Tagaytay. Tarkista hinnat ja saatavuus!

Yllä olevat valokuvat toimittivat lomakohteet Agodan kautta.

Etsi lisää Tagaytay -hotelleja!

Kuinka päästä Tagaytaylle

Manila – Tagaytay bussilla

Voit saada bussin Tagaytaylle seuraavilla liittimillä.

Yksinkertainen rannikkokauppaa paranaquessa. Tee tiesi Paranaque -integroidulle terminaalivaihtoon (PITX), jota kutsutaan myös South West Integrated Provincial Terminal. Lauta bussi, joka on tadaytay, Mendez (naapurikaupunki) tai Nasugbu. Tämä linja -auto vie Emilio Aguinaldo -moottoritien.

DLTB -terminaali LRT Buendian alueella (lähellä LRT Gil Puyat Stationia), Pasay City. Nouse linja -autoon joko Nasugbu tai Calatagan. Tämä vie Etelä -Luzon Expressway (SLEX) ja Carmonan poistumisen ja kulkee Tagaytayn läpi.

Hinta: Noin P87. Matka-aika on 2-3 tuntia liikenneolosuhteista riippuen. Voi olla paljon pidempi ruuhka -aikana.

Joitain tärkeitä muistutuksia.

Älä vie linja -autoa Lemeryyn. Lemery-sidottu linja-autot Slex + Star -maksut. Se ei läpäise Tagaytayn läpi. Bussit eivät saa viedä Diokno -moottoritietä, joka yhdistää Tagaytayn ja Lemeryn. Tiedän tämän, koska olen kotoisin Lemerystä ja talomme on hyvin lähellä Diokno -moottoritietä.

Jos hotelli sijaitsee Tagaytay-Nasugbu-moottoritietä pitkin ja olet Nasugbu- tai Calatagan-bussilla, sinun ei tarvitse päästä pois Olivarezissa tai Rotondassa. Voit yöpyä linja -autossa ja kehottaa kapellimestaria pudottamaan sinut hotelliin.

Jos olet menossa Skyranch- tai Wind Residences -yrityksiin, on suuri mahdollisuus, että linja -auto ei oikeastaan ​​ohita, vaikka kuljettaja tai kapellimestari sanoisi niin. Useimmat linja-autot vievät Mahogany Avenuen, joka ohittaa osan Tagaytay-Nasugbu-moottoritietä lähestyvän Mendeziä. Sen sijaan he pudottavat sinut Petronin huoltoasemalla. Se on kuitenkin okei, koska se on kävelyetäisyydellä. (Skyranch on pidempi kävelymatka, mutta erittäin hallittavissa.) Katso alla oleva kartta.

Manila – Tagaytay by pakettiauto

Voit myös ajaa jaetulla pakettiautolla Tagaytaylle. Nasugbu-, Calatagan- tai Lemery -pakettiautot kulkevat Tagaytayn läpi. Löydät yhden seuraavista paikoista.

Starmall Edsa-Shaw. Lemerialle on otettu pakettiautot, jotka on sidottu Lemeryyn ostoskeskuksen edessä, EDSA: n varrella.

Alabang. Tagaytaylle on otettu pakettiautot Festival Mall Alabangissa, lähellä Goldilocks Exit -tapahtumaa. (En kuitenkaan ole kokeillut sitä.) Lisäksi Starmall Alabangin ajoneuvon pysäköintialueelta lähetettiin pakettiautoja. Mutta he muuttivat jo ostoskeskuksen takana olevalle alueelle, lähellä Ukay-Ucayn aluetta ja PNR-junasäteistä. Saatavilla olevien pakettiautojen ja matkustajien lukumäärä on heikentynyt, joten saatat olla odottamassa.

Metropoint Mall. En ole varma, onko täällä edelleen pakettiautoja Calataganiin. There used to be, but I haven’t checked in a long time. If there still is, you can take the van going to Calatagan. If vans no longer operate here, you can cross to the other side of EDSA and catch a bus to Calatagan instead.

Whatever you take, tell the driver to drop you off in Tagaytay.

Fare is P180-P200, depending on which part of Manila you’re originating. It’s pricier because vans behave like point-to-point shuttles. even though you’re alighting in Tagaytay, you’re still paying for the full journey. A passenger getting off in Tagaytay pays the same as another getting off in Batangas.

Important reminders:

If you’re taking a van to Lemery, tell the driver to drop you off in Tagaytay. Unlike their bus counterparts, Lemery-bound vans usually pass through Tagaytay. However, there are instances when the driver chooses to take the SLEX-STAR Tollway route. It usually happens when there is heavy traffic in Tagaytay/Santa Rosa areas. To be sure, let the driver know that your destination is Tagaytay so he won’t take any detour.

Vans don’t follow any fixed schedule. The vehicle will NOT leave the terminal unless it is full. If you’re in a hurry and there’s only one vacant seat, you can pay for it and the driver will gladly start the journey. If time is of the essence and there are a lot of empty seats, take the bus instead.

HOW TO get around TAGAYTAY

There are no taxis in Tagaytay, and grab doesn’t have any presence either. There are only three modes of transportation available:

Jeepney. When traveling within the city, the most usual way is by jeepney. From Olivarez/Rotonda, you can take a jeepney to any direction. You can also ride one from any point along the highway back to the city center. minimum fare is P9, which increases as you go father.

Bus. You can also take the bus if you’re coming from Rotonda area and going to Mendez, Alfonso, Nasugbu or any destination along Nasugbu-Tagaytay Highway.

Kolmipyörä. This is the closest thing to a taxi that you can get. You can charter a tricycle to take you straight to your destination. When I asked, “special trips” within the city cost P100. Special, meaning you won’t be sharing the tricycle with anyone else. but if you’re going to the city center, you can pay the per-person charge, which should be around P20. maybe higher or lower, depending on distance.


Taal Volcano

PÄIVITTÄÄ! Taal Volcano recently erupted and is closed to the public.

Taal Volcano Caldera
Tagaytay offers the best views of Taal Volcano. but you know what’s better than admiring it from afar? Being on the volcano itself. From Tagaytay, you can travel to the Batangan town of Talisay, where you can charter a boat that can take you to the volcano island. once there, you’ll start your trek to the breathtaking caldera. good if you’re a group so you could split the expenses.

How to get there: From Tagaytay, you can charter a tricycle to take you to Talisay for P150-200. Then, find a boat, which costs P2000 (maximum of 6 pax). It’s also possible to reach Talisay by jeepney, but I don’t have the details.

I’m not fully familiar with this route, to be honest. I’ve been to Taal Volcano and hiked to its main caldera before, but I didn’t come from Tagaytay. I went straight to Talisay via Tanauan.

SkyRanch Tagaytay

SkyRanch is a relatively new attraction in Tagaytay. Perched on a cliff, overlooking the lake, this is an amusement park built for the enjoyment of the whole family. There are rides for kids and activities for the kids-at-heart. the most arresting structure is the SkyEye, a 63-meter ferris wheel with 32 gondolas. It’s also lined with restaurants and food kiosks!

Hours open
Monday-Friday, 10am-10pm
Saturday-Sunday, 8am-10pm

Weekdays: P80
Weekends: P100

Here are the attractions at SkyRanch and the corresponding admission fees.

SkyEye: P150
Super Viking: P100
Flying Bus: P100
Sky Cruiser: P100
Log Coaster: P100
Safari Splash: P120
Bumper Boat: P100
Bumper Race: P100
Drop Tower: P100
Express Train: P80
City Rail: P80
Mini Viking: P50
Racing Car: P50
Nessie Coaster: P50
Wonder Flight: P50
Red Baron: P50
Boat Parade: P50
Toy Swing: P50

How to get there: From Olivarez, ride a jeepney bound for Mendez or Nasugbu. get off at sky Ranch.

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